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Investing Casting with 3D Printing

Investment casting is no longer limited to the constraints of traditional pattern-making techniques. With 3D printed stereolithography patterns, you can take your designs to the next level. Explore the endless possibilities of intricate and detailed patterns, all while streamlining your manufacturing processes and reducing production costs.


What is investment casting?

Investment casting has been a long-established method for producing metal parts with smooth surfaces and good dimensional tolerances.

The investment casting process utilizes sacrificial patterns and ceramic shell molds that allow for highly complex casting designs to be achieved. Traditionally these patterns are created by injection molding wax, and as such require the use of metal tooling. The substantial cost and time required to generate wax pattern tooling limits the range of applications for which investment casting is economically competitive.

But manufacturers are looking at the design freedom and cost savings of directly 3D printing master patterns for casting and are moving away from the traditional methods of creating investment casting patterns by CNC-machining molds and injecting wax. Stratasys offers stereolithography 3D printing as a low-cost, high-yield alternative to traditional investment casting processes.

neo models after clean

Advantages of 3D printing master patterns for investment casting 

● No high tooling costs

● High casting yield

● Faster production

● Dimensional accuracy and stability of parts

● Robust patterns that can be easily handled and shipped

● Ability to reiterate designs quickly and easily

● Designs that can be printed overnight compared to weeks with CNC machining tooling

Stratasys Stereolithography 3D printers are proven to build high-quality, accurate, and detailed parts with superior surface quality. Built by engineers for engineers, the Neo is ideal for investment casting.

Investment Casting

Stratasys Neo Build Processor for Investment Casting

Together with Materialise we’ve developed a new build processor software solution tailored for the Neo SLA 3D printer to improve the user experience, and to streamline the workflow. Seamlessly integrated with Materialise's Lattice module and e-Stage for Resin module, this build processor speeds up file preparation for investment casting master pattern geometries in Materialise Magics, dramatically reducing processing time without sacrificing final part quality.

Neo for investment casting

Somos® WaterShed AF Material

Somos® WaterShed AF (Antimony Free) material is a perfect match for investment casting patterns because it has been specially designed without antimony to address the sensitivities associated with casting certain specialty alloys and to create patterns that produce very little ash when burned out, meeting the requirements for investment casting patterns.

The result is accurate, geometrically complex investment casting patterns, with excellent surface finish and no detectable levels of antimony. These patterns can be used in the workflow traditionally used for investment casting metal parts.

Everything About Investment Casting

Welcome to Stratasys, the leading provider of innovative 3D printing solutions. We are proud to present our comprehensive guides for Investment Casting, designed and developed to help you harness the power of 3D printing to transform your production processes and drive innovation.


Mockup Webinar Investment Casting

Improving Investment Casting Processes with 3D Printed Stereolithography Patterns

Combining investment casting & 3D printing using stereolithography opens up new possibilities and advantages for manufacturers. Join us to learn more

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Somos guide

Somos® Investment Casting Guide

Unlock the future of investment casting with the Neo range of SLA 3D printers and Somos® materials formulated specifically for casting patterns

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Mockup Webinar Investment Casting

Combining investment casting & 3D printing using stereolithography opens up new possibilities and advantages for manufacturers. Join us to learn more

Somos guide

Unlock the future of investment casting with the Neo range of SLA 3D printers and Somos® materials formulated specifically for casting patterns

Software, Hardware & Material For Investment Casting With SLA 3D Printing

neo 450 3d printer

Neo Stereolithography 3D printer

Build high-quality master patterns with superior surface quality, accuracy and detail.

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Somos watershed AF material

Somos® WaterShed AF Material

A SLA resin that meets the requirements for investment casting patterns.

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Stratasys Neo Build Processor for Investment Casting

Save up to 50% Faster File Processing Speeds and produce Faster and More Accurate 3D printed Master Patterns for Investment Casting.

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