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White Paper

Short Production Runs for High Accuracy Applications

DLP printing realizes part quality closer to injection molding than any additive manufacturing technology currently available

Industrial Area

Manufacturing traditionally focuses on high-volume production to achieve the lowest cost per part, but geopolitical and supply chain issues are increasing the need for affordable short production runs.

Additive manufacturing addresses these challenges by:

  • Eliminating costly molds with long lead times.
  • Enabling on-demand printing to cut inventory costs.
  • Allowing complex designs in one piece to save assembly time.
  • Reducing initial costs and enabling in-house production to mitigate supply chain disruptions.

Raising the bar with Origin® Two

3D printing has come a long way in recent years, meeting basic industry standards for accuracy and surface quality. However, for the most stringent requirements, specialized technology is needed with DLP printing offering significant savings over injection molding. The Origin Two system, combined with the validated Origin Cure™ post-processing solution, excels in:

  • High accuracy: Tolerances as tight as 50 microns.
  • Repeatability: Consistent results across builds and printers.
  • Smooth surface finish: Comparable to injection molding.

Accuracy and repeatability proven in extensive testing

The Origin Two system’s performance has been validated by both internal and external testing, proving that its DLP printing offers part quality closer to injection molding than any other AM technology. Trials with various printers confirm the system's repeatability, showing consistent results across different build heads and printers without recalibration.

Fill out the form on the right to review the test results and see why the Origin Two is a true injection-molding alternative for short production runs of high-accuracy parts.