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A Guide to Achieving Consistent Industrial Equipment Parts on Demand

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Take full control of industrial equipment part production and eliminate reliance on third-party providers

This guide showcases 11 industrial equipment parts showing a broad cross-section of the characteristics and properties achieved with AM on the H350TM. Each part was thoroughly tested to ensure consistency, repeatability, tight tolerances, complex geometries and impact- and chemical-resistance, among other strengths.

Some of the parts would be impossible to print using traditional manufacturing methods yet can be quicky and inexpensively designed and printed with SAFTM’s design freedom and streamlined process. Importantly, parts can be produced in high volumes, up to thousands of parts, in a short period of time. This is partly a result of high nesting density as the technology does not need added supports; but rather, High Yield PA11 supports the build, which is recovered and recycled for future builds.

Details provided in the guide include print time, number of parts produced per build, material used, and useful information about what was achieved with each featured part.