
Stampanti compatibili

Origin Two 3D Printer

Origin Two

A true injection molding alternative for economical low and medium volume production, with matching accuracy, repeatability and surface finish, in a broad range of performance materials. 

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origin one 3d printer

Origin® One

Una stampante 3D rivoluzionaria che consente la produzione flessibile di parti di uso finale in un'ampia gamma di materiali ad alte prestazioni. Sfrutta la tecnologia di fotopolimerizzazione programmabile P3™ per ottenere i migliori risultati in termini di precisione, uniformità, dettaglio e produttività. Tecnologia P3™. Preparati per la nuova era della stampa 3D.

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È compatibile anche con le stampanti DLP e LCD aperte da 385 e 405 nm

Risorse addizionali

TE Connectivity man in factory Origin One.

Stratasys Origin One realizza parti per uso finale in grado di resistere ad ambienti difficili.

Scoprite come Stratasys Origin One ha prodotto connettori elettrici stampati in 3D per uso finale che soddisfano i requisiti aerospaziali.

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Origin One printing process close up.

How Origin One and Forward AM drive material development.

Learn why Origin One’s leading Open Materials License is based on feedback from three years of deep partnerships with leading chemical manufacturers.

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Origin One Clamp Fire Test

Additive solutions for U.S. Air Force sustainment challenges

Origin One partnered with two companies to design and 3D print an innovative new C3175 hydraulic clamp for the Air Force's F-16 aircraft. Using Henkel LOCTITE 3955 for the clamp and LOCTITE IND402 for its flexible tether, the team printed 54 clamp halves in 24 minutes. 1,296 clamp halves can be printed using one printer in a single day. Post-processing a printed batch can be completed in roughly 20 minutes. The final, optimized clamp design for the C3175-9J employed on F-16 aircraft doubled the strength of the original part while weighing less.

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TE Connectivity man in factory Origin One.

Scoprite come Stratasys Origin One ha prodotto connettori elettrici stampati in 3D per uso finale che soddisfano i requisiti aerospaziali.

Origin One printing process close up.

Learn why Origin One’s leading Open Materials License is based on feedback from three years of deep partnerships with leading chemical manufacturers.

Origin One Clamp Fire Test

Origin One partnered with two companies to design and 3D print an innovative new C3175 hydraulic clamp for the Air Force's F-16 aircraft. Using Henkel LOCTITE 3955 for the clamp and LOCTITE IND402 for its flexible tether, the team printed 54 clamp halves in 24 minutes. 1,296 clamp halves can be printed using one printer in a single day. Post-processing a printed batch can be completed in roughly 20 minutes. The final, optimized clamp design for the C3175-9J employed on F-16 aircraft doubled the strength of the original part while weighing less.