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Unisciti a Stratasys e all'Università di Washington per scoprire come i ricercatori hanno creato una nuova impugnatura per ridurre le vibrazioni della levigatrice con Boeing: dallo sviluppo di un materiale digitale proprietario al modo in cui gli studenti hanno utilizzato la stampa 3D per ottenere il design finale. Scoprirai come la produzione additiva viene applicata alla ricerca e allo sviluppo di nuovi materiali e come gli studenti non solo stanno entrando a contatto con la tecnologia, ma lavorano anche su progetti reali realizzati da importanti produttori.

Dr. Jeffrey Lipton
Assistant Professor - University of Washington

Is an assistant professor at the University of Washington in the Mechanical Engineering Department with a courtesy appointment in the Paul G. Allan School of Computer Science and Engineering. He was previously a Post Doctoral Associate at the MIT’s CSAIL in the Distributed Robotics Lab under Daniela Rus. He received his BS in Applied and Engineering Physics and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell. His Ph.D. work was under Hod Lipson in the Creative Machines Lab. His work is currently focused on 3D printing and robotics. He has also worked on 3D printed foods and was the lead developer for the Fab@Home project which supported life science and food science researchers’ 3D printing needs on all six habitable continents.