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Materiales de impresoras 3D

124 Material(es) encontrado(s) for
124 Material(es) encontrado(s)
Wheel digital ABS
PolyJet™ Digital Materials

Explore the versatility of PolyJet 3D Printing materials. From customized flexibility to unique translucency, redefine material design for your projects

Medical DraftWhite material

The DraftWhite™ is a rigid white material, targeted for single-material medical applications such as orthopedics and craniomaxillofacial. Learn more here.

LOCTITE® 3D IND403 High Modulus by Henkel
LOCTITE® 3D IND403 High Modulus by Henkel

Tough, high-temperature material. Ideal for molds and end-use parts with up to 80°C operating temperature. Excellent surface finish and dimensional accuracy. Also suitable for interior automotive components and other applications requiring high modulus properties.

LOCTITE® 3D 3172 High Impact by Henkel
LOCTITE® 3D 3172 High Impact by Henkel

Produce functional parts that require high stiffness with a good surface finish and high impact resistance. Attributes are similar to Polypropylene (PP). This material is impact-resistant and is ideal for tooling applications, manufacturing aids, brackets, jigs and fixtures, housings and consumer applications, such as insoles.

investment casting parts
Somos® WaterShed® AF

Somos® WaterShed AF is a multi-purpose stereolithography resin that meets the requirements for investment casting patterns as it has been designed without antimony to address sensitivities in the casting of certain specialty alloys. As no antimony is used, patterns created with Somos® WaterShed AF leave much lower amounts of ash residue after burnout, reducing clean-up and speeding up mold production.

FotoDent<sup>®</sup> denture 385nm by Dreve
Dentadura postiza FotoDent® 385 nm de Dreve

Resina de curado a la luz para la producción de bases de dentaduras postizas. El material ofrece resultados precisos con una estabilidad dimensional excepcional. La dentadura postiza FotoDent® no contiene MMA y es de color estable.

BoneMatrix  DAP 3d printed spine

BoneMatrix crea patrones de depósito de material complejo que imitan estructuras óseas porosas, tejidos fibróticos y ligamentos. Es un material resistente, flexible y con memoria para mantener su forma. Los modelos musculoesqueléticos coinciden con las características de densidad ósea y se comportan como hueso nativo cuando se aplica fuerza, como discectomía, perforación, escariado o aserrado.

neuro vascular DAP 3d Print

El exclusivo material GelMatrix y los patrones de depósito GelSupport™ le permiten imprimir estructuras vasculares complejas pequeñas y grandes y eliminar fácilmente el material de soporte interno. El material avanzado tiene una consistencia similar a la de un pudín que permite una limpieza sencilla de los modelos de vasos sanguíneos. Los chorros de agua eliminan fácilmente GelMatrix de los vasos sanguíneos con diámetros internos y espesores de pared tan pequeños como 1,0 mm.

Materiales de soporte de PolyJet
Materiales de soporte de PolyJet

Stratasys ofrece una amplia gama de materiales de soporte PolyJet que son ideales para modelos de presentación, prototipos conceptuales, modelos de ingeniería y diseños detallados.

Kimya PC-FR

Discover the properties and benefits of Kimya PC-FR flame retardant FDM filament and download the datasheet.

United Launch Alliance is using 3D printing to develop enhanced, low-cost production tooling and reduce production costs for their Atlas V and Dellta IV rockets’ flight hardware. This initiative has introduced 3D printing into their existing rocket design for the Environmental Control System (ECS) duct, slashing production cost and reducing the ECS assembly from over 140 to just 16 production parts.
Resina ULTEM™ 9085

El material de impresión 3D de resina ULTEM™ 9085 con clasificación de llama, humo y toxicidad presenta una alta relación resistencia-peso y alta resistencia térmica y química.


El material de impresión 3D FDM TPU 92A proporciona la flexibilidad necesaria para crear prototipos de piezas de elastómero grandes y complejas, con resistencia al estiramiento, la abrasión y el desgarro.

ASA (acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) - FDM 3D Printing Material.

El material de impresión 3D ASA es un termoplástico de grado de producción disponible en 10 colores resistentes al desgaste aptos para aplicaciones en el exterior.

Antero 840CN03

Obtenga una alternativa al metal fuerte y de peso más liviano con Antero 840CN03, un termoplástico a base de PEKK con descarga electrostática (ESD) de alto rendimiento.

SAF™ PowderEase™ T1

Separación, recuperación y dosificación automatizadas de polvo: optimice su flujo de trabajo de SAF

Optical sensor housing P3 Deflext 190 ESD
Loctite 3D IND3380™ ESD

A high temperature resistant resin that offers a smooth surface finish. An ideal choice for consumer goods, automotive industry & others. Learn more now.

P3 Stretch IND475
P3 Stretch IND475

Single component industrial strength UV resin that cures to a soft (47A), elastomeric material. Suitable for applications where resilience, snap back, and tear resistance is desired, such as lattice structures and functional prototyping.

Somos<sup>®</sup> WaterClear Ultra 10122 Bottle
Somos® WaterClear® Ultra 10122

Somos® WaterClear Ultra 10122 is a low-viscosity material that produces accurate, functional parts that simulate an acrylic appearance, with minimized finishing requirements. The material is ideal for applications that require optical clarity, like fluid flow analysis, master patterns and concept and functional models. Somos® WaterClear provides refractive values similar to those of the engineered plastics used for functional testing of optical light transmission work.

Addigy P3001 - 3D Printed Mouth Guard.
Addigy® P3001

Addigy P3001 is a thermoplastic elastomer material for SLS 3D printing technology that combines high energy return with easy processing.

3d printed ear buds black

DraftGrey is the cheapest and fastest way to model on Stratasys PolyJet printers, printing at 2x the speed than normal and perfect for concept modeling.


PC-ESD is a polycarbonate material with electrostatic dissipative (ESD) properties. Formulated for ESD applications with higher mechanical performance requirements.

Addigy PPU 86AW6.
Addigy® PPU 86AW6

Addigy PPU 86AW6 is a thermoplastic polyurethane powder designed for powder bed fusion 3D printing technologies such as high speed sintering (HSS).

LOCTITE&#174; 3D MED 413 by Henkel
LOCTITE® 3D MED 413 by Henkel

LOCTITE® 3D MED 413 by Henkel is ideal for use in a wide variety medical devices & applications: durable & reusable medical components, orthotics and more.

Materiales exploratorios con OML para Origin
Materiales exploratorios con OML para Origin

Exploratory OML materials are unsupported and suitable for advanced Origin One users who need to access a more expansive portfolio of photopolymers. Materials developers currently contributing new open materials to the program include Covestro, Evonik, Arkema, Forward AM from BASF, Mechnano, Tethon 3D, Liqcreate, and polySpectra.


Descubra por qué el material Stratasys Elastico es un fotopolímero PolyJet similar al caucho superior ideal para la verificación avanzada de diseños y el prototipado rápido.

abs m30i sample

El ABS-M30i es un material de impresión 3D biocompatible que resulta perfecto para que los diseñadores e ingenieros de los sectores médico, farmacéutico y de envases para alimentos produzcan modelos para planificación quirúrgica, dispositivos médicos, herramientas y fijaciones.

Ultracur3D&#174; ST45 by BASF
Ultracur3D® ST45 by BASF

Reactive urethane photopolymer for tough applications that require a combination of high strength, long-term toughness and impact resistance.

LOCTITE&#174; 3D IND402 High Rebound by Henkel
LOCTITE® 3D IND402 High Rebound by Henkel

Single component elastomer with high resilience and rebound. Capable of maintaining excellent tensile strength and does not require thermal post-processing. It is comparable to commercial TPUs, with a Shore A hardness of 75. Ideal for lattice structures; e.g., mid-soles and soft inserts.

Somos WaterShed XC 11122 Material
Somos® WaterShed® XC 11122

The Somos® Watershed XC 11122 stereolithography resin enables producing detailed parts with exceptional clarity & superior water resistance. See more

Somos® 9120™

With mechanical properties that mimic many engineering plastics, parts created from Somos® 9120 exhibit superior fatigue properties, strong memory retention and a good balance of properties between rigidity and functionality.

30 de 124 resultados mostrados Mostrar más