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A guide to SUP710 support material on the J55.

gina s
Gina Scala agosto 05, 2020
agosto 05, 2020
Support material is a vital part of the 3D printing process; it helps support overhangs with larger angles and ensures that delicate elements don’t collapse. Once the model has been printed, post-processing largely consists of removing support material.

SUP710™ is a gel-like support material that is not water or chemically soluble, but is easily removed by hand or with a water jet system.
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Best practice for removal. 

For the best finish on parts printed with the J55, we recommend using the following procedure to remove support:

1. Remove larger chunks of support manually – using hands or wooden sculpting tools is the        best method, as they won’t scratch the part and can access smaller spaces.
2. Use WaterJet system to remove support material closer to the model. Using cold water will      prevent warping on the model.
3. Use wooden sculpting tools to loosen any support that is difficult to reach using WaterJet              system.
4. Use WaterJet system to remove the loosened support material.
5. Finally, use a toothbrush or scrub pad to gently remove any residual support material          remaining on the part.

Gel-like support materials like SUP710 can easily support complex designs that incorporate elements like interior cavities, overhangs, and other details. It also ensures a consistent finish across the entire part.

Further considerations.

As with any job that requires support, a tiny portion of the model material will mix with the support material. To maintain the best accuracy possible, the pressure of the roller slightly blends the model and support materials together during the printing process. This “mixing layer” typically shows up as a slight white cast on the model. It is more noticeable on dark-colored parts and can be removed via a variety of methods.

For models with complex geometries, repeating steps 4-6 in the support removal process will remove the tint. If the model geometry allows, gentle sanding and polishing will remove the white tint and provide an excellent surface finish.

After the support has been removed, parts printed on the J55 often don’t require any further post-processing. Design elements like texture, color, and finish can be incorporated before printing, meaning less active labor for designers and quality parts in just one day.

To learn more about the office-friendly, full-color solution from Stratasys, check out the J55 webpage.

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