Send your recyclables, reusables and returns today. Stratasys accepts all types of FDM packages for returns and recycling.
Please complete the Pallet Returns form below.
Select your country, then click the "Ship your Package" button. You will be redirected to an external site to complete the shipping process.
Receiving address is already predefined.
Packing Process
Enter the canisters and spools (FDM only) you are returning in a box.
Print labels
Place one return label on each box.
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be in contact with you shortly.
Use the product’s original box if it is available. However, you can use any sturdy, intact box for shipping. Do not include packing foam or other non-recyclable material.
We do not limit how much you can recycle and/or return. However, to comply with shipping requirements, individual parcels may not exceed 61 x 61 x 61 cm or 28 kg.
Please stack the empty returns on a one-way pallet. No pick-up or exchange possible for Steel-, cage-, Euro-pallets, or any other kind of containers / pallets.
For larger shipments; please stack the returns on a one-way pallet and fill out the pallet returns form. (See pallet returns instructions)
Stratasys GmbH pays the cost of shipping and return of your empty cartridges, canisters, spools, print engines.
No. Stratasys does not recycle full/partial PolyJet cartridges or waste containers. Please recycle locally according to local waste regulations.
These are the types of packages applicable -
To be green. Simply follow our Recycling + Returns Instructions to return or recycle your used cartridges, canisters, spools, print engines and containers for return or recycle. We make it easy to be responsible!
Busque este símbolo en el embalaje de Stratasys para asegurarse de que los artículos son reciclables.