F123CR - FDM Composite-Ready 3D Printer

F123 Composite-Ready

Print stronger parts with carbon fibre 3D printers.
Supplement machining with carbon fibre 3D printing. F123 Series composite-ready printers offer carbon fibre and engineering-grade thermoplastics to build strong work holding fixtures, tooling and parts.

Typical Applications

Composite 3D Printing - Functional Prototypes.

Functional prototypes

Capitalise on the high-strength capabilities of composite 3D printing to accelerate production with fast, iterative functional prototyping.

Composite 3D Printing - Workholding Fixtures.

Strong workholding fixtures

Carbon fibre materials allow the substitution of machined metal for strong and rigid 3D printed soft jaws, fixtures and manufacturing aids.

Composite 3D Printing - Durable Carbon Fiber Parts.

Strong & Durable Composite Parts

Composite 3D printing materials offer the mechanical properties required for industrial-grade low-volume component and production parts.

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Reliable composite 3D printing – and a lot more.

It starts with high-strength composite materials, but the carbon fiber and composite ready F123 Series offers industrial machinists and manufacturers much more. More materials, more reliability – more capability than other similar 3D printers.

Composite 3D Printing Advantages with F123CR

Carbon Fiber 3D Printing Materials Icon.

Multiple composite materials to choose.

High-strength composites, diverse industrial-grade thermoplastics and open material capability unlock a wide range of applications on the most versatile composite 3D printer in its class.

Carbon Fiber 3D Printing
Carbon Fiber 3D Printing Offers Stronger Parts Icon.

Unmatched composite parts with reliability and repeatability.

The F123CR composite material 3D printers are built on the same platform as the highly reliable F123 Series FDM 3D printers, with a demonstrated 99% uptime and 99% dimensional repeatability performance.

3D Printed Composite Parts
Carbon Fiber 3D Printing Software Spotlight Icon.

Intuitive software and simple operation.

Simple set up and operation means you can be printing in minutes. GrabCAD Print software provides an intuitive workflow and printer features are designed for easy functionality. Unattended operation means you don’t need additional headcount.

GrabCAD Software

3D Print Industrial Grade Tooling.

Discover how composite 3D printing revolutionizes manufacturing operations by eliminating traditional roadblocks. Learn how composite 3D printed tools improve production, enhance quality, reduce costs, and minimize worker injuries. With lower costs, shorter lead times, faster design iteration, and painless optimization, you can elevate your factory floor operation and stay competitive in today's manufacturing landscape.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your production process. Get the guide today!

Comparison chart of Stratasys FDM Composite Materials vs Market Competitors.

Solution Guide: Composite Tooling

Composite 3D Printing Case Studies

The 3D printed part catcher (gray) is attached to the lathe’s lower turret.

Composite 3D Printing FDM Use Case | Gosiger Manufacturing

Gosiger Manufacturing 3D printed a high-performance turret-mounted catcher with Stratasys composite 3D printer and materials. Download the use case today!

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Graco Hand Tool Use Case

Graco Takes Design to the Next Level with Stratasys F370®CR Composite 3D Printer

Graco engineers designed a stronger tooling handle faster & easier with the Stratasys F370®CR composite 3D printer and FDM® Nylon-CF10 thermoplastic.

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Mercury Marine Uses Composite 3D Printing

Mercury Marine Innovates with F370®CR Composite Printer & Materials to Create Custom Decal Application Fixture

Mercury Marine designers 3D printed their latest custom decal hat fixture using an F370®CR composite printer and high-strength carbon-fiber composite thermoplastics.

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3D Printed Leak Check Fixture. Produced with a F370CR 3D printer using Nylon CF-10.

J.W. Speaker Use Case on F370CR & FDM Nylon-CF10.

Find out how J.W. Speaker Corporation transformed the process of creating snowmobile light fixtures with 3D printers and FDM Nylon-CF10 filament.

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Webster State University Bolt Extraction Tool

Weber State University Enhances AM Learning with Stratasys F370®CR Composite 3D Printer

Discover how Weber State University accelerated their advanced educational 3D printing capabilities by adding the Stratasys F370®CR composite 3D printer.

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The 3D printed part catcher (gray) is attached to the lathe’s lower turret.

Gosiger Manufacturing 3D printed a high-performance turret-mounted catcher with Stratasys composite 3D printer and materials. Download the use case today!

Graco Hand Tool Use Case

Graco engineers designed a stronger tooling handle faster & easier with the Stratasys F370®CR composite 3D printer and FDM® Nylon-CF10 thermoplastic.

Mercury Marine Uses Composite 3D Printing

Mercury Marine designers 3D printed their latest custom decal hat fixture using an F370®CR composite printer and high-strength carbon-fiber composite thermoplastics.

3D Printed Leak Check Fixture. Produced with a F370CR 3D printer using Nylon CF-10.

Find out how J.W. Speaker Corporation transformed the process of creating snowmobile light fixtures with 3D printers and FDM Nylon-CF10 filament.

Webster State University Bolt Extraction Tool

Discover how Weber State University accelerated their advanced educational 3D printing capabilities by adding the Stratasys F370®CR composite 3D printer.


ABS Carbon Fiber Webinar

ABS-CF10 is an ABS-based material combined with 10% carbon fiber.

Formulated for use on the Stratasys F190CR F370CR 3D printers. It is a robust, stiff material that was specifically engineered to produce strong, stiff and lightweight jigs, fixtures, tools, manufacturing aids and production parts.

Watch this on-demand webinar, you discover how ABS-Carbon Fiber optimizes operational efficiency while lowering manufacturing lead time and costs. Engineers of all disciplines working for manufacturing organizations, you don’t want to miss this!

F370CR Compatible Materials



The benefits of ABS with the stiffness of carbon fibre. Stratasys ABS-CF10 combines the benefits of a carbon fibre filament with the desirable mechanical properties and ease of use of ABS 3D printing material. The result is an engineering thermoplastic with superior strength and rigidity for factory floor tooling applications. Significantly reduce your tooling lead time by 3D printing them with Stratasys ABS-CF10 instead of machining. Depending on the application, carbon-reinforced ABS can replace metal for lighter, more ergonomic tooling. Combined with soluble support, Stratasys ABS-CF10 can achieve complex geometries that aren’t possible with machining.

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ABS-ESD7 combines the strength and durability of ABS material with carbon to provide electrostatic dissipative (ESD) properties. Now it’s possible to create prototypes, fixtures and support equipment for electronics and other static-sensitive applications with ESD-capable ABS material.

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Versatile material with broad applications. ABS-M30 brings the familiarity and versatility of ABS material (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) to the FDM 3D printing plastics lineup. It’s an ideal material for form and fit checks, functional prototyping and other 3D printing applications. ABS-M30 is characterised by its strength and toughness, while being lightweight and resilient. For general-use 3D printing, ABS-M30 is the optimal choice, blending utility and economy.

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Similar to ABS, Only Better. ASA filament (acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) is the perfect all-purpose 3D printing thermoplastic, suitable for many different applications. It has a similar chemical makeup to ABS plastic but offers three improvements: better mechanical properties, superior aesthetics and it’s UV resistant. ASA material also comes in 10 colours, more than any other FDM material.

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Diran 410MF07

Diran 410MF07

Smooth, Tough Manufacturing Material Diran 410MF07 is a durable, nylon-based thermoplastic. It demonstrates exceptional toughness and resistance to hydrocarbon-based chemicals, while maintaining a smooth, lubricious surface quality. Tough for Tooling Diran’s toughness and smooth, low-friction texture make it perfect for non-marring, factory-floor tooling that stands up to the job.

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FDM Nylon-CF10

FDM Nylon-CF10

FDM Nylon-CF10 is a nylon carbon fibre filament. The base polymer is filled 10% by weight with chopped carbon, which produces a composite material 67% stronger and 190% stiffer than the nylon base material. FDM Nylon-CF10 is also possesses good chemical resistance, toughness and abrasion resistance. The material’s strength and rigidity make it an excellent choice to replace metal for appropriate work holding fixtures and other manufacturing tooling. Its chemical resistance is also a desirable feature in an environment exposed to typical manufacturing fluids. FDM Nylon-CF10 possesses a uniform matte finish that produces a visually appealing surface finish.

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Create accurate elastomer parts quickly and efficiently with the ease and reliability of professional FDM 3D printing. The durable elasticity of FDM TPU 92A material makes it a good choice for a wide variety of applications including flexible hoses, tubes, air ducts and vibration dampeners.

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Combining the Best of Polycarbonate and ABS. PC-ABS plastic blends the best features of polycarbonate and ABS material, combining the heat resistance of PC and the flexural strength of ABS. As a result, PC-ABS advantages include one of the highest impact strengths of any FDM thermoplastic. It’s perfect for functional prototyping, rugged tooling and production parts.

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ABS-ESD7 material part

The benefits of ABS with the stiffness of carbon fibre. Stratasys ABS-CF10 combines the benefits of a carbon fibre filament with the desirable mechanical properties and ease of use of ABS 3D printing material. The result is an engineering thermoplastic with superior strength and rigidity for factory floor tooling applications. Significantly reduce your tooling lead time by 3D printing them with Stratasys ABS-CF10 instead of machining. Depending on the application, carbon-reinforced ABS can replace metal for lighter, more ergonomic tooling. Combined with soluble support, Stratasys ABS-CF10 can achieve complex geometries that aren’t possible with machining.

ABS-ESD7 - FDM 3D Printing Material.

ABS-ESD7 combines the strength and durability of ABS material with carbon to provide electrostatic dissipative (ESD) properties. Now it’s possible to create prototypes, fixtures and support equipment for electronics and other static-sensitive applications with ESD-capable ABS material.

ABS-M30 an FDM technology 3D Printing material.

Versatile material with broad applications. ABS-M30 brings the familiarity and versatility of ABS material (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) to the FDM 3D printing plastics lineup. It’s an ideal material for form and fit checks, functional prototyping and other 3D printing applications. ABS-M30 is characterised by its strength and toughness, while being lightweight and resilient. For general-use 3D printing, ABS-M30 is the optimal choice, blending utility and economy.

ASA (acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) - FDM 3D Printing Material.

Similar to ABS, Only Better. ASA filament (acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) is the perfect all-purpose 3D printing thermoplastic, suitable for many different applications. It has a similar chemical makeup to ABS plastic but offers three improvements: better mechanical properties, superior aesthetics and it’s UV resistant. ASA material also comes in 10 colours, more than any other FDM material.

Diran 410MF07 - FDM 3D Printing Material.

Smooth, Tough Manufacturing Material Diran 410MF07 is a durable, nylon-based thermoplastic. It demonstrates exceptional toughness and resistance to hydrocarbon-based chemicals, while maintaining a smooth, lubricious surface quality. Tough for Tooling Diran’s toughness and smooth, low-friction texture make it perfect for non-marring, factory-floor tooling that stands up to the job.


FDM Nylon-CF10 is a nylon carbon fibre filament. The base polymer is filled 10% by weight with chopped carbon, which produces a composite material 67% stronger and 190% stiffer than the nylon base material. FDM Nylon-CF10 is also possesses good chemical resistance, toughness and abrasion resistance. The material’s strength and rigidity make it an excellent choice to replace metal for appropriate work holding fixtures and other manufacturing tooling. Its chemical resistance is also a desirable feature in an environment exposed to typical manufacturing fluids. FDM Nylon-CF10 possesses a uniform matte finish that produces a visually appealing surface finish.

materials fdm tpu 92a valueprop

Create accurate elastomer parts quickly and efficiently with the ease and reliability of professional FDM 3D printing. The durable elasticity of FDM TPU 92A material makes it a good choice for a wide variety of applications including flexible hoses, tubes, air ducts and vibration dampeners.

pc abs material sample

Combining the Best of Polycarbonate and ABS. PC-ABS plastic blends the best features of polycarbonate and ABS material, combining the heat resistance of PC and the flexural strength of ABS. As a result, PC-ABS advantages include one of the highest impact strengths of any FDM thermoplastic. It’s perfect for functional prototyping, rugged tooling and production parts.

Compare the F123 Series composite-ready printers.

Download spec sheet

F190CR and F370CR composite-ready carbon fiber 3D printers offer a selection of material choices and build capacity.

  • Max Build Size
  • Cartridge capacity
  • Materials
  • Software
  • Brochure


  • Max Build Size 305 x 254 x 305 mm (12 x 10 x 12 in.)
  • Cartridge capacity 2
    Material spool bays (1 model – 1 support)
  • Materials ABS-CF10
    FDM Nylon-CF10
    TPU 92A
    Support Material - QSR
  • Software GrabCAD Print
    GrabCAD Print Pro
  • Brochure Download brochure


  • Max Build Size 355 x 254 x 355 mm
    (14 x 10 x 14 in.)
  • Cartridge capacity 4
    Material spool bays (2 model – 2 support)
    Auto material changeover
  • Materials ABS-M30
    FDM TPU 92A
    Diran 410MF07
    FDM Nylon-CF10
  • Software GrabCAD Print
    GrabCAD Print Pro
  • Brochure Download brochure

F190CR Compatible Materials



The benefits of ABS with the stiffness of carbon fibre. Stratasys ABS-CF10 combines the benefits of a carbon fibre filament with the desirable mechanical properties and ease of use of ABS 3D printing material. The result is an engineering thermoplastic with superior strength and rigidity for factory floor tooling applications. Significantly reduce your tooling lead time by 3D printing them with Stratasys ABS-CF10 instead of machining. Depending on the application, carbon-reinforced ABS can replace metal for lighter, more ergonomic tooling. Combined with soluble support, Stratasys ABS-CF10 can achieve complex geometries that aren’t possible with machining.

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Versatile material with broad applications. ABS-M30 brings the familiarity and versatility of ABS material (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) to the FDM 3D printing plastics lineup. It’s an ideal material for form and fit checks, functional prototyping and other 3D printing applications. ABS-M30 is characterised by its strength and toughness, while being lightweight and resilient. For general-use 3D printing, ABS-M30 is the optimal choice, blending utility and economy.

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Similar to ABS, Only Better. ASA filament (acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) is the perfect all-purpose 3D printing thermoplastic, suitable for many different applications. It has a similar chemical makeup to ABS plastic but offers three improvements: better mechanical properties, superior aesthetics and it’s UV resistant. ASA material also comes in 10 colours, more than any other FDM material.

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Create accurate elastomer parts quickly and efficiently with the ease and reliability of professional FDM 3D printing. The durable elasticity of FDM TPU 92A material makes it a good choice for a wide variety of applications including flexible hoses, tubes, air ducts and vibration dampeners.

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FDM Nylon-CF10

FDM Nylon-CF10

FDM Nylon-CF10 is a nylon carbon fibre filament. The base polymer is filled 10% by weight with chopped carbon, which produces a composite material 67% stronger and 190% stiffer than the nylon base material. FDM Nylon-CF10 is also possesses good chemical resistance, toughness and abrasion resistance. The material’s strength and rigidity make it an excellent choice to replace metal for appropriate work holding fixtures and other manufacturing tooling. Its chemical resistance is also a desirable feature in an environment exposed to typical manufacturing fluids. FDM Nylon-CF10 possesses a uniform matte finish that produces a visually appealing surface finish.

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ABS-ESD7 material part

The benefits of ABS with the stiffness of carbon fibre. Stratasys ABS-CF10 combines the benefits of a carbon fibre filament with the desirable mechanical properties and ease of use of ABS 3D printing material. The result is an engineering thermoplastic with superior strength and rigidity for factory floor tooling applications. Significantly reduce your tooling lead time by 3D printing them with Stratasys ABS-CF10 instead of machining. Depending on the application, carbon-reinforced ABS can replace metal for lighter, more ergonomic tooling. Combined with soluble support, Stratasys ABS-CF10 can achieve complex geometries that aren’t possible with machining.

ABS-M30 an FDM technology 3D Printing material.

Versatile material with broad applications. ABS-M30 brings the familiarity and versatility of ABS material (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) to the FDM 3D printing plastics lineup. It’s an ideal material for form and fit checks, functional prototyping and other 3D printing applications. ABS-M30 is characterised by its strength and toughness, while being lightweight and resilient. For general-use 3D printing, ABS-M30 is the optimal choice, blending utility and economy.

ASA (acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) - FDM 3D Printing Material.

Similar to ABS, Only Better. ASA filament (acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) is the perfect all-purpose 3D printing thermoplastic, suitable for many different applications. It has a similar chemical makeup to ABS plastic but offers three improvements: better mechanical properties, superior aesthetics and it’s UV resistant. ASA material also comes in 10 colours, more than any other FDM material.

materials fdm tpu 92a valueprop

Create accurate elastomer parts quickly and efficiently with the ease and reliability of professional FDM 3D printing. The durable elasticity of FDM TPU 92A material makes it a good choice for a wide variety of applications including flexible hoses, tubes, air ducts and vibration dampeners.


FDM Nylon-CF10 is a nylon carbon fibre filament. The base polymer is filled 10% by weight with chopped carbon, which produces a composite material 67% stronger and 190% stiffer than the nylon base material. FDM Nylon-CF10 is also possesses good chemical resistance, toughness and abrasion resistance. The material’s strength and rigidity make it an excellent choice to replace metal for appropriate work holding fixtures and other manufacturing tooling. Its chemical resistance is also a desirable feature in an environment exposed to typical manufacturing fluids. FDM Nylon-CF10 possesses a uniform matte finish that produces a visually appealing surface finish.

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