
FDM Nylon-CF10

FDM Thermoplastic
FDM Nylon-CF10 is a nylon carbon fibre filament. The base polymer is filled 10% by weight with chopped carbon, which produces a composite material 67% stronger and 190% stiffer than the nylon base material. FDM Nylon-CF10 is also possesses good chemical resistance, toughness and abrasion resistance.

The material’s strength and rigidity make it an excellent choice to replace metal for appropriate work holding fixtures and other manufacturing tooling. Its chemical resistance is also a desirable feature in an environment exposed to typical manufacturing fluids. FDM Nylon-CF10 possesses a uniform matte finish that produces a visually appealing surface finish.

Typical applications

Jigs and fixtures

Jigs and Fixtures

Workholding fixtures, soft jaws, end effectors and drill guides.

Workholding fixtures, soft jaws, end effectors and drill guides.

production parts

Production Parts

Low-volume production and customization of high-strength parts.

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Functional prototying for applications and parts requiring high strength and stiffness.

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Performance properties


Yield Strength

  • 69.1 MPa (10,034 psi)

flexural modulus

Flexural Strength

  • 123.7 MPa (17,940 psi)

Compatible printers

F370 3D Printer

F123 Series composite-ready printers

F123 composite-ready printers offer high-strength carbon fibre materials in a reliable, user-friendly industrial printer platform.

Learn More


FDM Nylon-CF10 Material Datasheet


FDM Nylon-CF10 Safety Datasheet

Continue to safety data sheet